3 ways to scrub up after lock down

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Let your skin care go out the window during lockdown? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! 

After a long (and we mean long!) few months in lockdown, we’re finally starting to see the light beyond the horizon. Sydney is starting to ease lockdown restrictions, and hopefully the rest of Australia will be following suit soon too. We are so excited to get back into our life routines, and that means skincare too. Being stuck indoors for the most part means most of us haven’t been wearing office gear, makeup or even sunscreen (*gasp*). Don’t worry, we’ve got three tips to help you get yourself in order before you venture back into the real world.

3 ways to scrub up after lockdown

Start Small

First and foremost, start with the basics. Cleanse, moisturise, drink water. Get yourself back into habits in the morning before your day and in the evening before a good night’s sleep. Once you’ve got the basic steps back in place, you’ll have an easier time adding more things back into your routine.

Most importantly, go easy on yourself. Forgot to wash your face before bed? While it’s not ideal, you probably didn’t have much on your face if you were working from home anyway! Take each day as it comes and don’t sweat the small stuff. Put some sticky notes on your mirror, bedside table or phone, set a reminder, whatever you need to prompt you. Studies show it takes 21 days to form a habit, so whatever habits you lost during lockdown might take some time to come back. Do what you can, when you can.

Layer Up

Next in line. So you’ve got the moisturising routine back in check? Great! Time to start adding in serums and creams. Now that the weather is warming up, we are wearing less layers. This isn’t the case for our skin! Here are some suggestions for your skin layers as a guide. 


  1. Vitamin B/Niacinamide

  2. Vitamin C

  3. Moisturiser (optional depending on your skin)

  4. Sunscreen

  5. Makeup Primer (if you wear makeup)


  1. Vitamin A/Retinol

  2. Vitamin B/Niacinamide

  3. Night Cream/Moisturiser


  1. Exfoliate

  2. Face Mask Treatment (cream/gel/paper use whichever method you love most)

Keep in mind, everyone’s skin is different and what works for some, may not work for you. Chat to our clinicians about tailoring your skin care regime to suit your skin goals. 

Book In

Whether it’s with a friend, family, or your hairdresser. Make some time to interact with others in person, we humans are after all social creatures. Looking after your mental self is just as important as your physical self. Set aside some time to look after yourself on your own too. You might find after being back amongst everyone and everything, you’ll start to feel a little overwhelmed (especially our introvert friends out there). If this is you, set some time each day to sit by yourself and do something you enjoy. We suggest reading, writing or meditation, but whatever you enjoy is just as good. Maintaining a calming daily habit is a great way to keep you feeling grounded and prepared for each day. When you are feeling content and well, it shows!

While you’re on a roll, it’s about time for us to see you in person again too. Come and see us for a long awaited deep clean, anti-wrinkle injection top up, laser resurfacing or just drop in and say hi. It’s important to look after yourself so you can be the best version of you for the rest of the world.

Remember, when you look good, you feel great. 


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