Skin Redness


Also commonly referred to as erythema, skin redness can be caused by a number of factors but is categorised by abnormal redness or flushing of the skin, often but not always occuring alongside swelling and itching.

Skin redness can be caused by a multitude of issues. The most common we see at True Skin is rosacea. Mild to severe rosacea can cause great distress, pain and discomfort.

We want to help get your skin redness under control and help you gain back the clear skin you’ve always wanted.

How we treat skin redness

Here at True Skin, we understand the discomfort of skin redness and how it can affect your overall wellbeing. Our qualified and experienced clinicians will guide you on your journey to regain that clear face you always wanted. We believe a comprehensive approach works best for skin redness and it’s multiple possible causes.

During your initial consultation, we will assess your skin type and the type of redness you have before recommending a course of treatment, or perhaps a combination of treatments. For sufferers or medically diagnosed rosacea, our treatment offerings work best in conjunction with topical and/or oral antibiotics.

For the treatment of diffuse redness we often suggest Laser Genesis which is a very gentle laser treatment, perfect for those with more sensitive skin types.

We may also recommend vascular laser treatment to target enlarged veins causing excessive flushing or redness in order to reduce their size and appearance.

We take a holistic approach to help you to maintain the clear face you have always wanted. In addition to the clinical treatments, we will also advise you on a post-treatment skincare regime and a skin-friendly diet to help you feel better from the inside out. 

Our treatments

Laser Genesis

Laser Genesis Therapy is an advanced technology developed to promote healthy, vibrant looking skin.

It uses non-ablative (read as gentle) laser technology, heating the skin’s surface to stimulate collagen production and skin rejuvenation with minimal to no side effects or discomfort.

Regular sessions are recommended to keep your skin on track but you will begin to notice a difference after just one session.

Vascular Laser Treatment

A super quick and easy treatment with big results.

In Vascular laser treatment we use what is known as Limelight Therapy which targets the pigment in blood in order to quickly deliver light energy and dissapate the visible arteries or veins on the skin’s surface. Whether it be superficial face veins or deeper blue leg veins, men and women of all skin tones and types can benefit from this treatment.

Results will be visible (or shall we say no longer visible) within the first one to two treatments depending on the type of vessels we are working to remove.


Sometimes the best treatment is a multifaceted approach. By utilising our medical connections and training, we may recommend some form of prescription medication to help treat your redness and discomfort regularly from at home. Some examples might include creams or tablets to help reduce inflammation and sensitivity.

True Skin's Tailored Skincare Regime

We believe that well-informed home care is vital for successful results.

Our formulated Skin Care packages are designed to clean the skin and reduce the occurrences of inflammation. We can help with effective in-clinic treatments, however, what you do or apply at home is vital to maintaining your results.

Our range of skin-care products will help you maintain your clear and blemish-free skin.

Start your redness removal journey today