What to eat for glowing skin

The end of the year is in our sights. While 2021 has sure been a roller coaster for some of us, we’re sure many will be looking forward to embracing the party season and celebrating the small wins. For some of us, it is as simple as being able to give our parents a long awaited hug. For others, it’s time to rally and throw ourselves into the silly season. No matter what we are looking foward to, undoubtedly you’ll want to dive in face first and experience those precious moments to their fullest. But wait a minute, if you’re going in face first, you better have that mug glowing and ready to go! If like us at True Skin, you spent many months boxed up in your apartment, eating take out and bingeing on Netflix, perhaps it’s time to throw those food boxes in the trash and take a trip to the grocers (online or in person we won’t judge) and stock up on some healthy foods to get your skin in tip top shape for the festive season.

Here’s a run down of the top players in our shopping lists for party ready skin:


Not all fats are evil! We want foods that are high in omega 3’s and 6’s as these contain anti-inflammatory properties and help to strengthen our cell membrane. Stronger, less inflamed cells means smoother and happier skin. Chow down on some oily fish like salmon and mackerel which are high in good fats to keep your skin plump and glowing. Some other great sources of healthy fats include avocadoes, nuts and seeds (think walnuts, almonds, chia and flaxseed). Remember, everything works best when eaten in moderation, but if you are going to eat something high fat, skip the cheese and processed meat and opt for the aforementioned instead.


Just because some “experts” say to avoid ingredients with more than 3 syllables or anything you can’t pronounce, doesn’t mean you should avoid anything that contains big words! Here’s some juicy examples that your skin will thank you for, correct pronunciation or not.

Lycopene, found in red fruits and vegetables, acts as your skin’s internal SPF. Look for tomatoes, beets and red apples to name a few.

Ascorbic Acid, aka Vitamin C is vital for collagen production, and is an absolute essential for glowing skin. Look for foods such as peppers (capsicum depending where you live), kiwis and strawberries in the fruit aisle, but definitely don’t forget to include dark leafy greens such as spinach, broccoli and brussel spouts.

Here’s another tasty mouthful to try out, anthocyanins. Yes, these wordy antioxidants are responsible for the blue colour in beautiful blueberries and are essential in helping to fight cell-damaging free radicals. If blueberries aren’t your thing, you’ll still get a high dose of anthocyanins from blackberries, blackcurrents and cherries.


While this category crosses over slightly with the last one, there are some other star foods that deserve a mention, because of their beneficial nutrients that we just can’t walk past without loading up on at the food markets.

Continuining on the colour trend, Beta-carotene, best found in your orange food choices, is converted to Vitamin A. Essential for all things skin, including cell regeneration and renewal. We’re loving sweet potatoes, carrots, and check out your local farmers markets for rainbow swiss chard or some good old citrus fruits.

Another big player in the superfood lineup is Kale. A cruciferous vegetable loaded with skin favourites A, C, E, and K. Leafy greens such as kale are one of the most potent sources of vitamin K, a vitamin that helps with blood clotting and faster healing. An added bonus on top of all those skin nutrients!

Another mineral we can’t get enough of is zinc. Zinc is a major playing in cell function, due to it’s role in enzyme actions (the instigators of almost all bodily reactions, one example is lactase which breaks down lactose during digestion). Skin cells in particular, rely on zinc to make the proteins that repair damaged tissues and regenerate new ones.  For glowing skin we definitely want to keep the cell regeneration working in top condition. The best part about looking for zinc? It’s found in high conentrations in oysters, crab and lobster. For a less indulgent ($$$) dose of zinc you can load up on beans, legumes, whole grains and mushrooms. Yum!

We’d be remiss to move on without talking about an important breakfast staple. Eggs are the most common non-meat protein alternative due to the high amount of easily digestible protein found in egg whites. These also contain lysine and proline, important amino acids involved in the formation of collagen. Don't throw out that yolk, though! Egg yolks are also rich in vitamins that are essential for proper cell function, and also contain what has fast become known as the "beauty vitamin," Biotin. This B vitamin is most commonly associated with hair and nail strengthening, but is also important in helping tp protect skin from acne, rashes, and even dryness.


Some sources of liquid goodness that will contribute to glowing skin include green tea and coconut water. Green Tea contains EGCG, a potent antioxidant that helps the DNA repair skin cells after sun exposure.

Coconut water (not to mention the nutrition found in the rest of the fruit!) is packed full of muscle-relaxing potassium, while also containing loads of electrolytes to replenish and rehydrate your skin. Essential when you want to maintain softer and glowing skin.

Last on our not-quite exhaustive list, but definitely not least, is good old H20. The sparkling, refreshing, life sustaining liquid that is water. Our body’s are 60% water, that’s over half of our weight being made up of the stuff! Naturally that means we need plenty of it to keep our bodies functioning as they should. It’s safe to say then that our skin, being the body’s largest organ, also needs plenty of water to maintain optimum function. Not only will water help to combat dry skin, it also helps to regulate oily and combination skin types as H20 is essential for carrying and absorbing nutrients through many layers of the skin and body. If you aren’t sure how much water you should be drinking a day, we use this simple calculation to suggest to our clients.

Water (in litres) per day = Body weight (in Kg) multiplied by 0.033. e.g. A 60kg person should be drinking 2 litres of water every single day (technically 1.98L according to the formula). If you weigh 90kg, you’re going to need closer to 3 litres of water to maintain optimal skin glow.

All of the above are our recommendations to bring your skin up to it’s best glowing self and help to maintain it, while also giving your body some essential nutrients that it needs anyway. While this is a broad guide, you should always consult with your doctor if you have existing food allergies or follow specific dietary guidelines. Our biggest advice when it comes to all of the above if you aren’t sure? Everything in moderation. Try to maintain a well rounded diet that keeps you satisfied without missing out on the vital nutrients your body needs to perform at it’s very best.


Foods To Avoid For Glowing Skin


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